Category: musings
The present and the future
It’s been a while since I blogged. I think I’ve been in Norway for close to 8 years. I would have taken up citizenship if it’s not for covid. I’ve a job that keeps me busy and intrigued. It’s never perfect but I think of all the jobs I’ve taken,…
2020 was shit. Well, actually not… If I look it in perspective: Office was moved. Lots of knowledge/experience gained from setup. Company’s domain was finally transferred after a 2 year delay. Sold my flat in Singapore I broke my previous 5km record. Went to Stavanger, climbed Prekestolen Saw Kvelertak. Came…
I was recently asked a question privately: how did you manage to discover what you enjoy doing? It’s an interesting question, and one that I’ve probably didn’t notice until people pointed out to me. So I’ll attempt to answer this, but before that a bit of background. Well, when I…
2010 – 2020
It’s the year 2020. Some folks call it a decade, some decry that and call it incorrect, and that the definition of a proper decade ends this year and starts in 2021. Whatever. Global warming You can’t please everyone. This last 10 years from 2010 to 2020 has been a…
The place called Home
Coming back to Norway after over 14 days in Singapore is a strange experience. In a way, it was the same the other way around – from the tweets that I tweeted when I arrived Singapore then. Omg THE HEAT! I CAN DIE… — k-leb k (@dcatdemon) 29 March 2018…
Familiarity And Change
Life is strange. On one hand, we look forward to change, and on the other, we find comfort in familiarity. Familiarity breeds contempt, contempt is a catalyst for change, which happens and then we embrace it with open arms, only to struggle because we were too comfortable to embrace change.…
A New Hope
Yeah, title is a parody of this ð If 2016 was reluctantly promising, 2017 was when reality hits home. Maybe 2018 will be when I see the future with a new pair of glasses. Yeah, new job, and I can’t wait really, at the same time, I’m also a bit…
Is religion still relevant in today’s society?
Religion is put in a rather bad light nowadays, it is being blamed for terror attacks, human rights violations as well as perpetuating sexual inequality. Translated from an article : “All muslims are not terrorists, but most of the terrorists are ‘muslims’” It seems that religion is no longer…
Twitter – Aesthetics and Social Psychology
Aesthetics Twitter changed its UI recently. And it caused a big hoo haa on the web. Lots of folks were dismayed that they now have to spend more money and time just to resize those icons onto those round containers. Square icon lovers were aghast against the new direction in…